Mingus Mountain Group Inc.

K7MRG/R Mingus Mountain 147.000 + 600 with a PL of 162.2

And WA7UID/R Downtown Phoenix 147.280 + 600 with a PL of 162.2

Serving Central and Northern Arizona since 1974



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Mingus Mountain Antennas

K7MRG/R 147.000 MHZ +600 KHZ

PL Tone 162.2 Hertz

K7MRG/R 442.150 MHZ + 5 MHZ

PL Tone 100 Hertz

Downtown Phoenix Antennas

WA7UID/R 147.280 MHZ + 600 KHZ

PL Tone 162.2 Hertz

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YARC Field Day 2012

MMRG Picnics
